IMG 5038
20 Feb

Montréal en Lumière au Toqué! - À table avec Jean Paul Riopelle

Menu dégustation pour Montréal en Lumière

Menu 5 services réalisé autour de l'œuvre "La Roue" de Jean Paul Riopelle et de ses goûts culinaires

22 février - soir

Holiday opening and vacations

We will be open during the holiday season. Evenings only on December 26, 27, 28 and 31st and also January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 2025. Please note that we will be closed for annual holiday from January 6th to January 21st 2025. Reservation online or by phone at (514) 499-2084. We are looking forward to welcoming you in 2025.